Group Deals

Who is “Group Deals”? This is special offers for Aliexpress shoppers. Aliexpress now has Group Deals offers for Spanish, Brasil and Russia peoples. In Spanish, Brasil or Russia Group Deals shopping can buy all shoppers from around the world, all Aliexpress Group Deals items shipping around the world and mostly for absolutely free(about 98% times)!

How to find Aliexpress Group Deals?

Russian Group Deals

Just check these Deals links everyday, Aliexpress everyday add new items in Group Deals pages!

Attention! Best items, for best price sold out in hourly, everyone Group Deals shopper must catch items as soon as possible.

In Group Deals offers, can catch items from 0.01$ only! Such items is very limited and sold out in minutes.

All Group Deals pages or items descriptions mostly are in Russia, Brasil or Spanish languages, if you can`t understand these languages, you can use Google Translator.

If you have any questions about your desired item, you can ask the seller about item in English language.

seller ask

In this screenshot example seller is now offline(Gray colour of seller online indicator), in orange colour indicator seller now is online. You can ask the seller about your item at any time, if seller online, you can be expected reply in minutes, if seller now is offline, will have to wait for seller reply.


In screenshot example number one, marked “Sold out” mark, now this item is sold, you can`t buy this item. If you want this item, you must go to Aliexpress home page and use search to find this item for higher price value than Group Deals offer.

In screenshot example number two, marked price value of your save to buy this item.