Change language and currency

How to change language and currency on Aliexpress?

Sometimes Aliexpress buyers browse online or looking in Google for Aliexpress goods, sometimes visited Aliexpress goods page in another language changes your browser language automatically to another as default. So what to do, if you want reset language to English or another language?
Maybe you are from Europe and you wanna show prices in Euros or you are from Russia and you wanna show currency in Rubles?
How to avoid currency exchange taxes from your online payment system?

How to change language and currency on Aliexpress

First step. Go to Aliexpress home page

Second step. On top site, you must see our or another country flag. Click on flag once. Now you show more options, like “Ship to”, “Language”, “Currency”. Select your Shipping Country for the best shipping calculator results on Aliexpress system. Select your Language, here is settings of website language. What language you understand the stronger? In Currency selection, choose your Currency for more understandable price. Aliexpress currency settings does not have hidden costs. Currency settings created for more suitable with Aliexpress shopping.
If you more understand prices by our currency, but you wants to pay with another currency from bank, PayPal(if seller accept this method), Webmoney or similar online payment system, i recommended to change currency before pay for cart. By using this recommendation, you can avoid currency exchange taxes in your payment system.
When you choose better settings for you, click once “Save”.

How to find language, currency and ship country settings on Aliexpress app?

First step. Open your Aliexpress App. Click once on account(Maybe you show app in another not understandable language, try to understand by human icon).

Second step. Find on your device screen “Settings” menu with gear icon. Click once on “Settings”.

Third step. Swipe up by finger on your screen, to show language, currency and shipping country settings.

F.A.Q tips and tricks

Q. I no see language, currency settings on Aliexpress home page
A. Go to Orders page on Aliexpress, now look in top website menu for language, currency settings.

Q. What languages is fully translated on Aliexpress market?
A. Aliexpress fully accepted with English, Russian, Brazilian(Portuguese), Spanish, French, Polish, Indian, Italian, Turkish, German, Korean, Arabic languages. Also Aliexpress use Google Translate system, to available translate website to your language.

Q. My menu language as i have set, but description of the goods is in English language.
A. Aliexpress language settings can translate only interface menu. Goods description is are only in English language. If you want to read goods description in your language, use