Shipment VAT TAX for Europe countries(Only sounds scary)

From July 1st of 2021 years, European union countries was admitted new regulation of VAT for imported shipments from outside countries. This regulation valid for Europe union countries.
By new rules was removed exception of under 22€ value shipments. Free VAT TAX rule for 22€ or lover value shipments was removed. Now all Europe union countries buyers must to pay taxes*. Sounds scary? But Aliexpress market solve this problem. This problem solve is no pay VAT taxes for goods under 150€ value for everyone buyer of Aliexpress.
So Aliexpress always pays taxes for you*(Always pays and response for under 150€ value goods). You will get your shipments always with paid VAT taxes. So you can shop on Aliexpress without stress, without “What will be happen whenever i get my shipment?”. You will get always your shipments like ever before(All taxes will be paid by seller).

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